These nine products for dogs and cats will encourage engagement — with the pets and their people.
The layered creations of mousse and gravy deliver mealtime anticipation and excitement for cats.
Indie retailers and service providers commit to overcoming internal obstacles in 2025, and so does the PETS+ editor-in-chief.
Amanda Ballweg's creativity and entrepreneurial spirit has helped her grow and evolved her small business.
Rise and Shine… and Fetch the Latest Pet Industry News! Want to start your day with fresh pet industry insights, trend updates, and expert tips —...
Book preview: Inspired by Dickens tale, expert looks at the industry ‘s future.
Shoppers in “choiceful” and value-conscious mode, NRF says.
They keep Charlsye Lewis and Marcus Brunt happily moving forward with their pet businesses and in life.
Toy and food manufacturers relay their preparations for how current and potential tax policies could affect independent pet retailers.
The company emailed employees that layoffs could happen between that day, Feb. 6, and Feb. 21.
Despite that, robust retail spending expected, Coresight finds.
Franchise growth exceeded projections last year, expected to do the same in ’25
Red paper hearts, kissing booths and even Jack Skellington adorn independent pet businesses for the holiday.
Better your business by putting these pet industry gatherings on your calendar this year.
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