HIMALAYAN PET SUPPLY yaky Charms. The packaging looks like microwave popcorn bags. We placed the display by the register, and it was gone in days! We were excited and talked about it a lot with customers. So cute! — Erin P., Summerville, SC

MOUSER cat food flew off the shelf. Just starting to become available through distributors, but we know the owners and were able to stock it ahead of time. — George Beebe, Pawki’s, Eastsound, WA
- GF PET Ice Vests: Our group classes are outdoors, and we keep them on our portable display. They retail for $25 to $45. — Kristi M., Surprise, AZ
- PET RELEAF is changing packaging and offered 30% off wholesale, and we put it on sale for 20% off. Customers took the opportunity to stock up! — C., North Royalton, OH
- As far as dollars go, antlers were our biggest seller. We buy whole racks and cut them ourselves so they are fresh, fresh, fresh! — Gloria Z., Collingswood, NJ
- Real Meat Treats from REAL MEAT COMPANY. No promotions, we just highlighted them at our checkout counters. We’ve all been enthusiastic about these treats because of the simple, healthy ingredients, and because the dogs and cats are going nuts for them. I haven’t seen such a consistent hit before that wasn’t freeze dried. — Christina C., Charleston, SC
- ULTRA OIL. We put sample bottles in our puppy class swag bags, and it was a hit. One of the puppy owners, in particular, has been recommending it to everyone she meets! — Cassie N., Whiteford, MD
- HEALTHY ROOTS CBD has been selling really well. We carry their human products (gummies, bath bombs and muscle rubs) and their pet full-spectrum oils. We are in WA, they are made in Portland, and we love that! — Jennifer L., Wenatchee, WA
- Wild bird has really picked up again for us. More so feed, but feeders have picked up as well. We have a few of the lines from WILD DELIGHT. — Paige E., Erie, PA
- WERUVA dog and cat food. We recommended it to all of our customers for a variety of reasons: reluctant/bored eaters, health issues, toppers and enticers. Price is a plus because of the quality and quantity. — Thea C., Cape May Court House, NJ
- PET EDGE Cool Pup Ice Cream Cone and Popsicles. These toys with pin holes can be filled with water then frozen, and then are ready for outside play. — Carol W., St. Louis, MO
- Pet sitting: We did a complete rebrand, started print advertising in several neighborhood newsletters, posted on Nextdoor, and launched a TV commercial in spring of 2022, hoping to get on people’s radars in time for summer, and our strategy has worked very well so far! In May of 2019, pre-pandemic, we had 569 services booked and completed. In May of 2022, we had 955! — Ashley M., Austin, TX
- Day-care enrichments sold incredibly well. We offer private hikes, agility training, trick-of-the-month training, private playground time and workouts. — Danielle W., Granville, OH
- We offer walk-in trims any time we are open. My manager is a rock star when dealing with difficult dogs. We’ve had many people tell us other places couldn’t do their dog’s nails, but we could. — Brianna S., Nashville, TN
- We did a LOT more nutrition counseling in May. People are more concerned than ever about what they’re feeding their pets. I suspect part of it was referrals from a vet clinic we have a great relationship with. That makes me happy. — Diana F., San Antonio, TX
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