The promotions come as the team prepares to produce Global Pet Expo 2022.
The raise will be leveraged to build awareness among pet owners and avid travelers.
What do people overlook when they think about their pet pigs?
'Retailers are investing millions to fight these crimes.'
The paper will be published in 2021.
Here's your chance to catch up on all the useful sessions from our first online summit.
Kitzia is rising through the ranks of Instagram fame.
It was moved from September to April to meet the growing financial needs of shelters during this time.
Exposure to the pesticide can harm kids’ developing brains.
Both had mild respiratory illness and are expected to make a full recovery.
They're being brought from Southern states to Washington, DC.
It could be a great way to stave off loneliness and help animals.
The owner said the situation was 'shocking.'
It is designed to reduce fear, anxiety and stress associated with getting a cat in and out of a carrier.
It will be available in October and will be priced under $350.
It makes the Poochables a 2-in-1 food and water container and feeder.
This session will kick off on Oct. 16.
The CBD market is expected to hit $22 Billion by 2022, according to the Brightfield Group.
IPS distributes to independent pet stores in Washington, Oregon, Montana, Idaho and Alaska.
It is the first major retail chain to adopt this new approach.