21 “Great to see you, Mrs. … uhhhh … Mrs. … uhhh …” Is this you? On MEMORY DAY today, let’s try to improve your recall. Watch some of the useful lessons and try some of the exercises at and Spend an hour a week to practice and you’ll see rapid improvement in your ability to remember faces, prices and even characters in the massive cast of The Walking Dead.
23 On PUPPY DAY, celebrate those little bundles of energy that bring so much joy to our lives. Offer a discount on food lines aimed at boosting puppy health. Or offer a discounted training package for any new puppy owners who might be getting just the slightest bit frustrated with those high energy levels we just mentioned.
29A decade ago it seemed that being local, independent and service-minded (compared to price) were all liabilities in the face of the big box onslaught. Now they are competitive strengths. On NATIONAL MOM AND POP BUSINESS OWNERS DAY, revisit your marketing to see how you’re playing up your advantages. #shoplocal
1It’s the one day of the year when anything — well, almost anything — goes. For APRIL FOOL’S DAY this year, have a friend come to your store and play a difficult client … for instance, a demanding foreigner with an impossible-to-comprehend accent. Watch your staff struggle to handle him. Eventually, you’ll all have a good laugh. But you’ll also see how your team works under pressure.
The hit movie Beethoven spawned seven sequels. There is no record of any human being having watched them all.
3 A quarter-century ago, a popular film was released that would eventually spawn a whopping seven sequels. The star? A gigantic, prodigiously drooling Saint Bernard named for a classical composer. Today, on the 25TH ANNIVERSARY OF BEETHOVEN’S RELEASE, bring together the St. Bernards of your community for a Beethoven-lookalike contest. (Or perhaps a drool duel.)
10 Today is THE 100TH DAY OF THE YEAR. An even hundred days is an excellent point to do a little self-assessment of your progress this year. Take a long walk and ask yourself how you are progressing, really, toward the goals you’ve set for yourself.
11 You really should be making a bigger deal of PET DAY. Tease it all month long. Work it hard. Play on people’s guilt. “What are you going to do for the pet you love this year on Pet Day?” Or: “Pet Day is April 11. Don’t disappoint your favorite furball!” Offer a special range of gifts, massages, and photo studio packages. This needs to be huge.
23 It’s LOST DOG AWARENESS DAY and a perfect opening for you to promote GPS collars or the chipping service of a friendly veterinarian. You’d be surprised how many pet parents still don’t know how well chipping works to return lost and stolen pets to their rightful homes.
More Notable March-April Events
- Mar 8 is Registered Dietitian Day. For those of you involved in setting pet diets, this is a good day to thank your customers back.
- Mar 14 is Organize Your Home Office Day. If you work from a home office, it’s a good day to do some almost-spring cleaning.
- Mar 17 is St. Patrick’s Day. Get those green pet clothes up on your website.
- Mar 31 is World Backup Day. Is your data safely backed up? Make absolutely sure that it is.
- Apr 8 is Zoo Lovers Day. You certainly love animals. Why not organize a zoo trip for your favorite customers?
- Apr 21 is Bulldogs Are Beautiful Day. And yes, they are.
- Apr 28 is Hairball Awareness Day. Remind clients: Regular cat grooming reduces hairball frequency.