Welcome to the results of our second annual Big Survey! Nearly 500 independent pet retailers and service providers from across the U.S. and Canada answered 68 questions across five categories. You shared everything from how your businesses are performing to your preferred “driving” styles at trade shows to how you are finding and keeping top team members. Speaking of teams, the 2023 Big Survey was a group effort. Editor-in-Chief Pamela Mitchell, Group Managing Editor Chris Burslem, Group Design Editor Victor Cantal and Contributing Editor Candace D’Agnolo took it over the finish line together. The American Pet Products Association also played an important part, fueling the survey as sponsor for a second year in a row. WHAT’S INSIDE PERFORMANCE More than a third of you reported earning more than $75,000 a year as the owner of a pet business. READ MORE BUYING & SELLING The majority of you use the middle lane at trade or distributor shows, and you sure have some good stories to tell. READ MORE HIRING & RETENTION 35% of you said the challenges of hiring staff continue to slow the growth of your business. READ MORE BENEFITS, PAY & PERKS See how your fellow pet business owners compensate their employees. READ MORE YOU, THE PET PRO Again this year, the majority of you who took the Big Survey fall into a certain demographic. Can you guess what it is? READ MORE THE BASICS Dig deep into the what and where of this year’s respondents, and find out which state came in first place again. READ MORE