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Pet Partners, PetHub to Offer Free IDs for Therapy Animals




The program includes tags and online IDs.

(Press Release) BELLEVUE, WA – Pet Partners, an organization registering therapy animals for animal assisted interventions, has partnered with PetHub to provide free pet identification tags and online pet profiles to new and renewing therapy animal teams. This partnership helps to increase the chances of lost therapy animals getting back home quickly and safely and provides additional peace of mind to their handlers. In the event an animal becomes lost, and someone finds it, they can scan the ID tag on any smartphone and it will bring up the pet’s profile including any medical needs and emergency contact information.

“We are so excited about Pet Partner’s mission and honored to play a small part in adding value to what they do,” said Tom Arnold, founder of PetHub. “Getting lost pets home fast is PetHub’s singular purpose, and we look forward helping to keep animal-assisted therapy teams together so they can keep doing their incredible work for their communities.”

Additional information in the pet profile includes dietary needs, vaccination records and critical medication requirements. Pet Partners has more than 15,000 therapy animal teams in 50 states and last year made over 3 million visits to people in need. PetHub tags are already being distributed to new and renewing therapy teams across the nation.

“These tags help protect therapy animals while also providing added value to the wonderful handlers for the work that they do,” said Annie Peters, president and CEO of Pet Partners. “We hope no one has to go through the hardship of losing a pet, but because unfortunately it does happen, this is just one more opportunity to take advantage of PetHub’s service to help in the reunification process.”PETS Pethubtag




NASC Media Spotlight

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