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How Do You Handle Employees Who Gossip at Your Pet Business?

Members of the PETS+ Facebook Community share their policies on employee gossip.





What is everyone’s policy on gossip among employees? I have one store that is constantly a problem, and I’m exhausted!! Nothing has seemed to work. — John Sherwood, Neighborhood Pet Shoppe, Conway, AR
  • Zero tolerance. They are advised during initial interview, as well as during orientation, that they will be terminated immediately. It’s a cancer that spreads quickly and will be cured swiftly. Everyone appreciates this code of conduct requirement. It’s laid out plainly in our employee manual. vJulie Sterling, Julz Animal Houz, Marysville, WA
  • “No Gossip” policy. They always deny it, and confronting them makes it worse. Just let them go. It’s like you have a culture, and they develop the “real culture” with someone who seems to be running the real show. — Cristen Herbold Carlson, Riverside Animal Clinic & Holistic Center, McHenry, IL
  • Your team needs to drink your Kool-aid! That means you create your culture and they either embrace it and love it or they can leave. I’ve been very clear with my team that gossip and negativity have no place in my store — not about each other, customers or our competition.
    It’s a slippery slope once it starts, and if you don’t put your foot down, it becomes the norm and your whole team becomes toxic. A toxic team is completely visible to your customer, which will negatively impact your business. One discussion so everyone understands, then remove bad apples if they’re not 110% team you! — Carly Patryluk, House of Paws, Regina, SK

EDITOR’S NOTE: All answers printed with permission, edited for clarity and length. Join the private PETS+ Facebook Community for retailers and service providers at petsplusmagcommunity.



NASC Media Spotlight

At first it was just an idea: Animal supplements needed the same quality control that human-grade supplements receive. But that was enough to start a movement and an organization —the National Animal Supplement Council — that would be dedicated to establishing a comprehensive path forward for the animal supplements industry. In this Media Spotlight interview, NASC’s president, Bill Bookout, talks to PETS+ interviewer Chloe DiVita about the industry today: Where it’s headed, what’s the latest focus and why it’s vital to gain the involvement of independent pet product retailers.

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