While cats rule the web, dogs rule literature. We’re not sure why, but readers were cheering heroic canines as far back as the second oldest piece of literature known to exist — Homer’s Odyssey. Of course, cats have also appeared in their share of books, but usually in less central and less heroic roles. For this issue’s quiz, your challenge is to match the dog or cat name to the book in which they were featured. (We’re so nice, we’ll even give you a free one to get you started.)

ANSWERS … Argos: The Odyssey (Argos was the dog of Odysseus, and the only one to recognize him when he returns home after 20 years.) / Snowy: The Adventures of Tintin (Tintin’s dog) / Buck: The Call of the Wild (Buck is the book’s main character) / Ghost: A Song of Ice and Fire, (Jon Snow’s direwolf) / Jip: David Copperfield (Dora Spenlow’s lapdog) / Charley: Travels with Charley (John Steinbeck’s travel companion) / Cat: Breakfast at Tiffany’s (the casually named pet of Holly Golightly) / Church: Pet Sematary (Church still gives us the shivers) / Mrs. Norris: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets / Macavity: Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats (one of the most villainous cats in T.S. Eliot’s book, which was also the basis of the Andrew Lloyd Webber musical Cats)