Readers share why they bring their staff to trade shows like the upcoming SuperZoo. And why they don't.
We asked the PETS+ Brain Squad to share their return policies for toys. For many store owners, it depends on the circumstances.
A variety of factors go into the decision to have one and to not.
Indies share why they do or do not allow pet parents to provide titer test results as sufficient proof of immunity for services and events.
70% of you have installed security cameras.
More Than Half of You Said No.
One store owner does, and he even sells ad space to other pet businesses.
Find out why the other 6% does not.
75% of you said no.
More than half of you do not.
Most of you don't ...
More than half of you do.
Do you fire aggravating customers?
More than half of our brain squad does not have one.
63% have never moved their business.
Do you collect customer data?
Do you own the building where your business is located?
The overwhelming majority of pet business owners do contribute to charities.
More than half of you don't.
Yes: 54% It will impact pricing on some of our products, but just as important will be the effect of increased prices on everything else in...